Notice: Early Office Closure on March 27

Our office will be closing early at 2 PM on Thursday, March 27, for a Staff Appreciation Event. We appreciate your understanding and will resume normal business hours on Friday, March 28.

Thank you!

Housing Programs

County Housing provides equal access to decent, safe, and affordable housing to low- and moderate-income families throughout St. Louis County. Rents are federally subsidized so that individuals and families pay a portion of the rent that is affordable to them.

County Housing also works with partner organizations to provide supportive services and resources that improve the quality of life, economic vitality, and self-sufficiency of individuals and families. This includes emergency housing and crisis support, childcare and family support, workforce development and job training, and education and financial literacy.


The Public Housing program is government-owned and managed, offering limited tenant choice but highly subsidized rents for very low-income households.

Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program provides vouchers to individuals and families to rent privately owned housing, offering greater choice and flexibility about where to live.

Affordable Housing

Tax credits and other public funding sources encourage private investment in affordable housing, serving a broader income range and incentivizing affordable rents.

Waitlists are currently closed

Learn how the waitlists for the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs work and sign up to be notified when the waitlists open.

Need more help?

Click for other helpful resources or contact us for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can apply for multiple programs if the waitlists are open and you meet the eligibility criteria for each program.

Rent is typically based on your income and program guidelines. If you are accepted off of the waitlist, it is crucial to submit your verification documents as soon as you can so that County Housing staff can calculate your rental portion for you.

You can apply online through our website portal RentCafe, or submit a paper application at our office during open application periods. Be sure to check the website for application announcements.

Required documents may include proof of income, identification, and social security numbers for all household members. Specific document requirements are provided during the application process.

RentCafe is County Housing’s online portal system to manage our housing programs. All applicants, current HCV residents, landlords, and vendors use the portal to upload and find important documentation and communicate with County Housing.